Sunday, July 25, 2010

Sugar Strike!!!

Have you ever had one of those weekends where you totally binge out on junk food? Yes that was me this weekend. And after its all said and done you just feel crappy. I do believe sugar is evil. A while back Reins and I went a month without sweets and it felt good. So I am inviting anyone who wants to join me on a sugar strike! I am going to start tomorrow and the goal is to see how long I can say no to sweets. I am hoping to make it a month at least....maybe longer. Its time to say hello to fruit for dessert and goodbye to chocolate. SO come on and join in on the strike. If you do decide to join I would love to hear your comments on your progress. Good luck!


Bryce and Candice said...

I will totally join you! Sweet make me want to puke right now anyway!!!

Anonymous said...

Hooray! We can be eachothers support system.
