Tuesday, May 11, 2010


Yes, I am still vegan and loving it! The reality of the situation is that it is hard to come up with good blog topics, especially in this economy. Thanks for your understanding. Stay tuned... REINS


Bryce and Candice said...

I am not going to lie. I have missed you Reins!!!

Josh and Elisha said...

I was about to maek a post today that said, " Its your turn, get on it." I guess I will have to be satisfied for now.


Jeff and Kelsey said...

I understand reins, things are just hard right now...people loosing jobs, food brain, fish talk thrown in your face. Life is hard not to mention having to blog! I am lucky I have my own personal blogger these days, it's great! I really do miss reading your thoughts though. Oh please come back! Love ya!

vegan minus the flannel said...

Oh my sweet work wife,you always understand me! Cancer and Pisces get along fabulously so that explains it! I love you too Puds! -Reins