Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Bachelor-not vegan

Warning: the following post is based on Reinas opinions and does not reflect the opinions of vegans in general- This post may be a bit serious. Stay strong. Lets have a little heart to heart about the Bachelor. You all know him, Jake the pilot. I realize this is not a vegan food related topic,but here is where it ties in. Jake is as bland as the plain soy milk i used on my cereal. That is not a compliment. Plus he wears that necklace sometimes which makes me kind of nauseated. He is a nice guy,just a boring nice guy.Vienna is a highschool student disguised as a 23 year old. She can bungee jump though. I guess that is all that really matters. Unlike eggs and meat,I just can not quit the Bachelor. I know it is just as harmful to my digestion as dairy. However i keep watching. What is a girl to do? -Reina


Jeff and Kelsey said...

You crack me up!! I totally saw the necklace last night as they were reflecting on Gia's date. Oh my word you were right, it is aweful! Seriously what is he thinking or i guess not thinking. Like you I am addicted to that show even thoughI gain nothing from it but everyone loves a little drama and a great laugh! Im glad we get to share some great bachelor memories. (sigh...)

Anonymous said...

Girl-I would say the watching the Bacholor is like eating cookies--it gets very addicting! Only one maore week to go and then you will be free.

ames said...

Jake is as predictable as an episode of full house, only if Dave Coulier had been the bachelor i may have actually watched it. i haven't seen a full minute of this season, but all this talk of men wearing necklaces is giving me gas

Anonymous said...

~~*UGH...Don't even get me started on the "BACHELOR". Vienna is ANNOYING.. but so is TENLEY, even though I like her BETTER than poo eyes. He didn't have much to choose from in the bunch.. but, then again... he's quite dull himself. Of course, I am addicted and have to watch every episode. But, I already have a feeling of who he will pick. STUPID STUPID JAKE!!! =(*~~