Monday, March 15, 2010

Final Week

So we have made it to the end of our month long vegan diet. Friday is our last official day. Reins is going to stay vegan for life, she has become a convert. I am doing a flexatarian diet ( which means I limit my dairy and meat to once or twice a week). So the good news is that we will be continuing the blog, hope your not sick of us yet. I have been reading this diet/health book called Eat to Live and I really enjoyed it. I am going to try to stick with the diet recommendations from that book. Which means I need to fill up on fruits and veggies all day long, I can have grains/starches at one meal a day, one serving of nuts a day( preferably raw) and aim for one cup of beans a day. You can have dairy twice a week and meat once a week. So my goal is to follow that routine. Which means I plan on eating myself some salad every day this week in additions to lots of other veggies. By the way Green has a bbq/ranch salad that I loved. Thank you for vegan ranch--yummy! And a shout out to Amy for introducing me to the Eat to Live diet, you look amazing! I used to live to eat but I am trying to turn that around and eat to live. Hope that I can fall in love in with salad just like Romeo and Juliet fell in love with each other. Except instead of love at first sight, I am hoping for love at first bite!


vegan minus the flannel said...

Gilly,Eat to Live is a great choice. You are all about the pun of it in this little post. Holla. By the way I hope you live longer than Romeo and Juliet. Those poor saps. p.s now that you are not full force vegan,people will stop throwing rocks at you. That will be nice. -Reina

Bryce and Candice said...

You guys always get me in trouble at work. Although I hate to use the phrase, you literally make me LOL, and everyone at work likes to comment on it.

Bryce and Candice said...

PS I am very happy to know that the blog will continue on!!! I'm not sure how I would start my work day without it!

vegan minus the flannel said...

Kit, what nice things to say! I for one,am flattered. I like to browse your blog as well. Blood is thicker than water. -Reins