Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Fruit is my Candy

Going on day 3 of no sweets, which isn't hard for me during the weekdays but I think it will be a challenge once the weekend hits. The good news is I am a fruit lover! SO anytime I feel my sweet tooth kicking in I munch on a piece of fruit, or better yet, I make a soy milk fruit smoothie--Yums! If you are interested in a refreshing treat just blend up a cup of vanilla soy milk with frozen fruit and it is delicious. I mean its no Jamba Juice but they add frozen yogurt and sherbet to their smoothies so....Also I have been getting in my daily salad this week so hopefully my health is increasing as a write this. I guess Pop Eye the sailor man was right about the power of spinach!

1 comment:

vegan minus the flannel said...

Gilly, You will never catch me with spinach. Sorry that is just how I personally roll! I do enjoy a fruit though. Maybe if you make the soymilk smoothies while wearing a visor it could be a bit more like Jamba juice.- Reina